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Documentation for the Maniaplanet game operating system

Your first ShootMania game mode

In this part you'll learn to create your first simple game mode, a deathmatch where the first player to earn 30 points will win the map (using a lightweight version of the Melee gamemode).

Creating the gamemode

Firstly to be able to write your mode ingame, you have to create a text file with the following code:

#Extends "Modes/ShootMania/ModeBase.Script.txt"

And then save the file under a name like this: MyGamemode.Script.txt in C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Documents\ManiaPlanet\Scripts\Modes\ShootMania (create the required folders if missing).

Now you can launch a local server with your mode or via the map editor (if you want to create/modify a prototype map at the same time) or as said before you can continue in your IDE/text editor but you'll not be able to test/modify in live your script (through the IDE i mean, you can modify through the script editor ingame).

Create a map

It's time to create a map to test our mode. Launch ManiaPlanet, start the map editor and select a maptype: MeleeArena for ShootMania or Race for TrackMania. Make a basic map, validate it and save it. Now you can exit the editor.

Create a server

We have a basic game mode script and a map, all that is missing now is a server to do our tests. In the main menu click on the Local Play button (then Local Network if you are on TrackMania). Click on the Create button and you should see this screen:

Server creation screen

  1. Click on this box until the Script option is selected.
  2. Click here to open a window where you can choose MyGamemode.Script.txt.

Once it's done click on the Launch button, select the map you created earlier and click on Play.

Structure of a game mode

A gamemode is divided in several part which match each state of a game. A raw structure of a gamemode is like this:

#Extends "Modes/ShootMania/ModeBase.Script.txt"

#Const CompatibleMapTypes  "MeleeArena"
#Const Version             "1.0.0"
#Const ScriptName          "MyScript.Script.txt"

#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Settings.Script.txt" as Settings
#Include "TextLib" as TextLib
#Include "MathLib" as MathLib
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/SM.Script.txt" as SM
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/Score.Script.txt" as Score
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Message.Script.txt" as Message
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Interface.Script.txt" as Interface
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Layers.Script.txt" as Layers

// ---------------------------------- //
// Constants
// ---------------------------------- //
//List of your constant variables

// ---------------------------------- //
// Globales
// ---------------------------------- //
//List of your global variables

//Code to execute when the server is started

//Code to execute when a map is loaded

//Code to execute before the beginning of a round

//Code to execute when a round is started

//Main loop where the code is executed through the duration of the round

//Code to execute at the end of the round

//Code to execute at the end of a match/map

// ---------------------------------- //
// Functions
// ---------------------------------- //
List of the functions of the gamemode

We'll explain each part of the script in the next sections but please note first that the ***StartServer*** code are called "Labels". An explanation of the labels is given in the excellent blog post of Steffen, a very active scripter of the community, here (among others explanations about others things in ManiaScript):


#Extends "Modes/ShootMania/ModeBase.Script.txt"

#Const CompatibleMapTypes  "MeleeArena"
#Const Version             "1.0.0"
#Const ScriptName          "MyScript.Script.txt"

#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Settings.Script.txt" as Settings
#Include "TextLib" as TextLib
#Include "MathLib" as MathLib
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/SM.Script.txt" as SM
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/Score.Script.txt" as Score
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Message.Script.txt" as Message

This part is used to load all the library required and basic information for the gamemode. ModeBase is the most important part because it'll allow you to divide the gamemode for each state of the game and also to have access to all basic functions and variables for a game script.

The CompatibleMapTypes constant indicate which type(s) of maps is usable with your script. It can be useful if your mode require a specific type or number of block (for example at least two spawns, with a pole in Royal)

Version is... well the version of your script, you can format it as you want.

The Settings library allow you to create and use a number of parameters (fixed by you and used by the server owner) on your script like the duration of a round or the number of eliminatations to do to win.

All #Include lines indicate that we want to load a library to the script. A library is a collection of functions/variables which contain script mode to do a specific task (like handling the message, manipulate the player scores/scoretable and more). You can also declare a custom library if you have made one and need it for your gamemode. It's particularly useful when you have to use the same block of code in several gamemode.


// ---------------------------------- //
// Constants
// ---------------------------------- //
#Const ConstVar ConstValue

The constants are a type of variable where you stock a value that will not change during the game and will be accessible anywhere in your script. Usually in these variable you'll keep settings which are non-modifiable by the players/server owner like the number maximum of a player (for example), the list of objects used in the script, the id of the classes, the number minimum of players required for the script, etc...

Declaring a constant variable doesn't need a comma (;) at the end of the line.


// ---------------------------------- //
// Globales
// ---------------------------------- //
declare Text G_GlobalVar;

Globales are like the constants at the difference that you can modify their value during the game and that you must set a type when you declare (create) them.

"Body" of the Script

And now we attack the main dish of the script, the labels corresponding to each state of a game.

Note: Not all the parts are mandatory except Playloop and EndRound or EndMap (one of them at least)


//Code to execute when the server is started

In this block you'll set everything that needs to be set up at the start of the server at risk of not work properly during a game. Usually it's used to build the scoretable, activate the team mode (or not) or listing all the Actions (like custom weapons or forced skins) which will be used in the script.


//Code to execute when a map is loaded

In this part you'll initialize (usually) all the variables which are used to set up a match. It's the place where you reset the global score, setting up variables where will be used during the whole game for example.


//Code to execute before the beginning of a round

This is the code that you need to execute prior the start of a round, it could be reset the score of a player/team (other than the global score), custom stats, setting up a gameplay sequence, etc... Note that this section is not mandatory to have your script working.


//Code to executed when a round is started

This is where you usually setting up few others variables as well as creating the items required to the execution of the script (if needed at the start of the round).


//Main loop where the code is executed through the duration of the round

The main dish, it's inside this loop that you'll handle everything that happen during a round. From spawning a player to handle the death and more. You have also to set the victory condition(s) somewhere inside to leave the loop (and stop the game).


//Code to execute at the end of the round

You enter here when you have meet your victory condition(s) and decide what to do at this moment (end the map/match or launch a new round). If you decide to start a new round, the script will go back at the InitRound section and continue the script from there.

This is also the place where you destroy all the objects and bots (because you'll recreate them on the StartRound).


//Code to execute at the end of a match/map

Usually it's used to indicate who won the match and to load the next map.


// ---------------------------------- //
// Functions
// ---------------------------------- //
//Create your functions from here

If you need to create functions (repetition of the same block of code) for your game mode, you have to create them after the EndMap section because when the game will compile the script, it's start from the bottom to the up to check if the functions called by script really exist in the library or in the script itself.

Common variables

Now we can almost start the "real" work, just a bit of explanation about the type of variables existing in ManiaScript as it can change slighty between programming language.

Here is a list of the common types of variables in ManiaScript (or how to declare them):

Type ManiaScript type Example
Integer Integer 1
Real / Float Real 1.5 (or 1. for a "round" number, the decimal is mandatory)
Text Text 'Im a text'
Boolean Boolean True
Ident Ident (see below)
Array [] Player[] (table of Players)

An ident is special kind of variable, it's used to point to an asset (others that images/sound) like a bullet create in the ActionMaker, or a skin or also an aura for example.

Setting up the script

#Extends "Modes/ShootMania/ModeBase.Script.txt"

#Const CompatibleMapTypes  "MeleeArena"
#Const Version             "2013-06-24"
#Const ScriptName          "Melee_Tutorial.Script.txt"

#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Settings.Script.txt" as Settings
#Include "TextLib" as TextLib
#Include "MathLib" as MathLib
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/SM.Script.txt" as SM
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/Score.Script.txt" as Score
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Message.Script.txt" as Message
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Interface.Script.txt" as Interface
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Layers.Script.txt" as Layers

// ---------------------------------- //
// Settings
// ---------------------------------- //
#Setting S_TimeLimit   600 as _("Time limit")        ///< Time limit on a map
#Setting S_PointLimit  25  as _("Points limit")  ///< Points limit on a map

// ---------------------------------- //
// Globales
// ---------------------------------- //
declare Ident[]    G_SpawnsList;  ///< Id of all the BlockSpawns of the map
    declare Ident G_LatestSpawnId;  ///< Id of the last BlockSpawn used

At the beginning of your script, you have to tell to the script to look into the ModeBase for the basic working of the script.

Then talk about the different libraries:

Below the library you have the settings that players set when they create a server.

Initializing the server

For a deathmatch mode (which is very simple), you have only to deactivate the team mode at the start of the server.

UseClans = False;


We tell the script that's a FFA (Free For All) mode and we build the default scoretable. ST2, ScoresTable2 library, is loaded by the ModeBase.

Setting up the parameters for the match/map

G_LatestSpawnId = NullId;

First we clear the table containing the list of the spawns on the map and we reset the Id of the last spawn used.

// ---------------------------------- //
// Init bases
foreach (Base in Bases) {
    Base.Clan = 0;
    Base.IsActive = True;

Then we indicate to initialize each base possibly present in the map to use the neutral (FFA) team number (so 0).

// ---------------------------------- //
// Init scores
MB_Sleep(1); ///< Allow the scores array to be sorted
foreach (Score in Scores) {
    declare Integer LastPoint for Score;
    LastPoint = 0;

The score of the players are reset. In this portion of code, we call the class Score which stores all the points won by the players during a round (or match). It's also with this class that you can put the scores of the players into the scoretable automatically.

declare LeadId = NullId;
if (Scores.existskey(0)) LeadId = Scores[0].User.Id;

The Id of the lead player is also reset as the match hasn't started yet.

declare CurrentPointLimit = S_PointLimit;

We put in a variable the Point Limit decided by the owner of the server (or by vote).

// ---------------------------------- //
StartTime = Now;
EndTime = StartTime + (S_TimeLimit * 1000);
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Playing;

We setting up the countdown and the duration of the round/match. Fix a duration is good is most cases because it prevents the round to last too long.

Proceedings of the round

It's now time to write what's going on during a round.

foreach (Event, PendingEvents) {

We look in each event happening during the round. When an event is triggered, according what we want to do, we do some treatments (only a very few events are listed below, the basic ones).

// ---------------------------------- //
// On armor empty
if (Event.Type == CSmModeEvent::EType::OnArmorEmpty) {
    if (Event.Shooter == Event.Victim || Event.Shooter == Null) {
        Event.Victim.Score.Points -= 1;
    } else {
    Event.Victim.Score.Points -= 1;
    Event.Shooter.Score.Points += 1;

When a player loses all his armors (when he is eliminated), we remove him one point. Then with PassOn(Event) we tell to the server that the event has been processed. We give also one point to the shooter if it's not a suicide.

// ---------------------------------- //
// On hit
else if (Event.Type == CSmModeEvent::EType::OnHit) {

Now we check when a player is hit by a projectile (from a Storm weapon).

if (Event.Shooter == Event.Victim) {

Basically if the player hit himself (with the Arrow or the Nucleus for example), we tell the server to disregard this event (and so to ignore all the damage and effects) with the Discard(Event) instruction.

} else {
        Event.Victim.Armor -= Event.Damage;


But if the sender and the receiver are different, we remove the number of armor (life) to the victim (the number of damage is known with the variable Event.Damage which can be tempered if you want to modify the damage received.

// ---------------------------------- //
// On player request respawn
else if (Event.Type == CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerRequestRespawn) {
    Event.Player.Score.Points -= 1;

If a player presses the backspace button (the default one to respawn), we remove him one point.

// ---------------------------------- //
    // Others
    else {

And we validate all others events in their default treatment.

// ---------------------------------- //
// Spawn players
foreach (Player in Players) {
    if (Player.SpawnStatus == CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::NotSpawned && !Player.RequestsSpectate) {

Outside of the loop of the events, there is some work to do. First we have to let the players spawn if they are eliminated. To do so, we create a loop which checks all the players' status. If a player is eliminated (by checking his status thanks to CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::NotSpawned), we ask the script to execute the function MeleeSpawnPlayer which will be explained a bit later).

// ---------------------------------- //
// Play sound and notice if someone is taking the lead
if (Scores.existskey(0) && Scores[0].User.Id != LeadId) {
    LeadId = Scores[0].User.Id;
    Message::SendBigMessage(TextLib::Compose(_("$<%1$> takes the lead!"), Scores[0].User.Name), 3000, 1, CUIConfig::EUISound::PhaseChange, 1);

We can also display a message when a player take the lead. We have to test if the player with the highest score is the same player than registered before (else we don't save the new leader). If it's the case, we save the new leader and we display a message to all the player to warn the players that one of them has taken the lead.


// ---------------------------------- //
// victory conditions
declare IsMatchOver = False;
if (Now > EndTime) IsMatchOver = True;
foreach (Player in Players) {
    if (Player.Score != Null && Player.Score.Points >= CurrentPointLimit) IsMatchOver = True;

if (IsMatchOver) MB_StopMap = True;

And we finish by verifying the victory conditions to end the match. First we check if the timelimit is reached, if so, the match is ended. Else we check if the pointlimit has been reached and if so, we end the match too.

You can stop the round with the instruction MB_StopRound = True; and stop the match (and so going to the next map) by using MB_StopMap = True;. If you use one of these instructions, the script will go directly into the EndRound section.

We have finish to treat the playloop, but the script isn't quite finished yet.

Ending the match

We have some code to execute in the EndMap section before having a "complete" loop of code for a match. This section is executed when one of the victory condition is validated.

EndTime = -1;

// ---------------------------------- //
// End match sequence
declare CUser Winner <=> Null;
declare MaxPoints = 0;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
    if (Score.Points > MaxPoints) {
        MaxPoints = Score.Points;
        Winner <=> Score.User;
    } else if (Score.Points == MaxPoints) {
        Winner <=> Null;

We check who is the best player (by his score).

foreach (Player in Players) {
    if (Player.User != Winner) UnspawnPlayer(Player);

We unspawn all the players except the player who's won and we update the interface (and so the scoretable).


We put the script in pause for 1000 milliseconds (1 second).


We erase all the messages displayed on the interface of the players.

UIManager.UIAll.BigMessageSound = CUIConfig::EUISound::EndRound;

We play the sound of the end of the round.

UIManager.UIAll.BigMessageSoundVariant = 0;
if (Winner != Null) {
    UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = TextLib::Compose(_("$<%1$> wins the match!"), Winner.Name);
} else {
    UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = _("|Match|Draw");

UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::EndRound;
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;

We put the players into the EndRound sequence on the level of the interface (so everything will be hidden (or will not work like when you play) except the scoretable and few others things like the chat). And we force the visibility of the scoretable to let the players watch their scores and those of the opponents.

UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Podium;
while(!UIManager.UIAll.UISequenceIsCompleted) {

If a podium is present on the map (if not the code will be ignored), we play the podium sequence.

UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::Normal;
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = "";

And finally we revert back the behaviour of the scoretable and the content of the message displayed on the screen.

The functions

But the script is not over yet, we have to create the function which will spawn the players during the round.

Void MeleeSpawnPlayer(CSmPlayer _Player) {
    if (G_SpawnsList.count == 0) {
        foreach (PlayerSpawn in MapLandmarks_PlayerSpawn) G_SpawnsList.add(PlayerSpawn.Id);

We list all the spawns of the map (I mean the block spawn put by the map creator) if the list is empty.

declare SpawnId = NullId;
while (True) {
    SpawnId = G_SpawnsList[MathLib::Rand(0, G_SpawnsList.count - 1)];
    if (SpawnId != G_LatestSpawnId) break;
    if (G_SpawnsList.count == 1) break;

We choose a spawn randomly which will be used by the player, but it won't the last spawn used (to prevent to have a player spawning in the same spawn of the last player in few seconds).

G_LatestSpawnId = SpawnId;
SM::SpawnPlayer(_Player, 0, MapLandmarks_PlayerSpawn[SpawnId]);

And now we spawn the player!

declare Removed = G_SpawnsList.remove(SpawnId);

Then we remove the spawn of the list as it has been used.

Now you've your first working gamemode ready! Feel free to launch a local network server to test it! ^_^

Download the source of the mode

You can download the source of the gamemode on this link.

Learn more about the ManiaScript

If you want to learn more things about the ManiaScript, I invite you to check this page.