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Documentation for the Maniaplanet game operating system

What is ManiaScript?

ManiaScript is a scripting language integrated to ManiaPlanet that allows the players to customize different aspects of the games. A scripting language is build upon a classic programming language and aims to ease the process of creation.

Note: For those who don't know how to code (at all or pretty much), i suggest you to follow the basic course about Java here (only the "Learn the Basics" part): Of course remember that there is some difference between Java and ManiaScript but they are also close enough to learn enough basic knowledge with it.

What can I do with it?


The rules script is used by the servers. It defines the structure and the rules of the game modes. With this you can choose how the players are spawned on the map, how the points are awarded, who will win at the end of the match, create a specific user interface and much more.

Map Type

The map type script is used in the map editor. It defines the rules a map must follow to be considered valid. You can by example force the map to have two spawns and three poles, each one using a different tag. Then inside the rules script, you can set a list of map type to define which maps are compatible with your mode.


ManiaLink is a presentation language allowing the players to create user interfaces and small websites inside ManiaPlanet. You can integrate a script inside your ManiaLinks to make them dynamic (much like HTML and JavaScript). It means that you can change text values or move elements of your ManiaLink from a script. With this you can display a top 10 of the best players in your mode by example.

Map editor plugins

It's possible to extend the possibilities of the map editor with plugins written in ManiaScript. These plugins range from the simple autosave to the full random map generator.

ManiaPlanet plugins

The global plugins are not available to the players at the time being. Once it will be the case, it will be possible to create small tools directly inside ManiaPlanet. You will be able to improve the current buddy system or create a new instant messenger by example.


InGame editor

The easiest way to create and edit scripts is to use the in-game editor. It is accessible through different ways depending of which kind of script you want to create.

Script editor

  1. The main working area, this is were you'll type your script.
  2. The include panel displays all the external scripts used by your own script.
  3. The "Compile" button allows you to check if there's no error in your script.
  4. The "Save as" button allows you to save the current script at a specific location with a new file name.
  5. The "Include" button displays or hides the include panel (2).
  6. The "Save and test" button saves all the open scripts and lets you test your game mode on the server.
  7. The "Close" button lets you exit the script editor, but you'll loose all the unsaved modifications.

Documentation example

While playing you can press ctrl+g to open the log window. This window will be essential when developing a new script, but we will see later how to use it efficiently.

Documentation example

If you press ctrl+g a second time you will open the full debug window (and a third time will close it).

  1. The script you are currently debugging. If there's an error in the script, the window will display the line causing the error.
  2. The log window.
  3. A list of all the running scripts. You can click on each script to open it in the left area. The scripts containing errors will be displayed in red.
  4. A list of all the previous compilation errors. You can click on each error to have more information about it.

Editor shorcuts

While playing:

While editing a script

External tools

It's not recommended to do that when you begin to write scripts, but you can also edit them with any text editor. Be aware that ManiaPlanet cache some resources like the scripts. So if you update a script with an external editor it won't be reloaded in the game at the same time. Most of the time you have to restart the server running the script to get the new version.

You can check the links section of the documentation to get some useful tools to enhance the ManiaScript support in different text editors (syntax highlighting and auto-completion).

How to extract the Nadeo scripts

You can find the latest Nadeo's scripts on GitHub, but you can also extract them from your installation. To do that you must go inside this folder: C:\ProgramData\ManiaPlanet\PacksCache. It's the default path, so maybe you changed it during the installation process. The ProgramData directory is an hidden directory, so you have to edit your Windows settings to display it.

Inside the folder you will find a lot of .zip. They contain the default ManiaPlanet data. The ones we are interested in are:

If you unzip these directories on your desktop you'll find a Scripts folder inside with all the Nadeo scripts.

Script folder structure

ManiaPlanet stocks its data in two directories. The original Nadeo data are saved in the ProgramData\ManiaPlanet folder. The custom files created by the players are saved in the Documents\ManiaPlanet folder. But once you launch the game, ManiaPlanet will automatically merge the two folders together to display them as one.

Something to be aware of is, if a file has the same name in the same folder in ProgramData\ManiaPlanet and Documents\ManiaPlanet, ManiaPlanet ignores the one in ProgramData\ManiaPlanet and uses the one in Documents\ManiaPlanet instead. It's really useful if you want to customize some elements, like the scripts. You don't have to modify the original ones, just copy them at the same location inside your ManiaPlanet directory.

The Scripts folder uses this structure:


By default your Scripts folder will be empty. You'll have to create the sub-folders yourself. You're free to organize them as you wish, but it's highly recommended to stick to the structure presented above. Especially because of the merge of the two ManiaPlanet folders.