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Documentation for the Maniaplanet game operating system


The ScoresTable2 library replace the ScoresTable library and allow the users to create a custom scores table, with the look and the content needed by the game mode.

Example of the library


If you use the ModeBase.Script.txt as the base of your game mode, then the ScoresTable2 library is already included with the namespace ST2::. It's ready to use, so you don't need to call the Load() and Unload() functions.

Otherwise you can include it by adding this line at the beginning of your script : #Include "Libs/Nadeo/ScoresTable2.Script.txt" as ST2 And call the Load()and Unload()functions respectively in the ***StartServer*** and ***EndServer*** labels.

Now the library is loaded but there's a last step before you can see the scores table. You have to call the Build() function. It takes one parameter, a Text designing the game for which the table is built. It can be "SM" or "TM". Now if you press the Tab key while playing you can see the basic scores table.

To make it a bit prettier you can use the SetStyle() function and apply some pre-made styles included in the library. By example for a free for all mode in ShootMania like Melee you can do:


The Build() function must always be called once after an update in the structure of the scores table.

The ModeBase script include the XmlRpcLoop() function to manage the XmlRpc methods and callbacks of the scores table so don't have to include it yourself. There's also the MB_SetScoresTableStyleFromXml() function that can take in charge all the process of applying a style from an XML file by calling RequestStyleFromXml(), WaitStyleFromXml() and SetStyleFromXml(). For a detailed explanation on scores table customization from an XML file see this page.

Now let's take a quick look on all the functions available in the library.


Void Load()

Load the library, must be called once at the beginning of the script
Void Unload()

Unload the library, must be called once at the end of the script
Void Reset()

Reset the scores table to its default state
Void ClearScore(CScore _Score)

Clear the custom columns values of one player

@param _Score The score to clear
Void ClearScores()

Clear all the custom colmumns values of all players
Void DestroyCol(Text _ColId)

Destroy a column

@param _ColId The identifier of the column to destroy
Void CreateCol(Text _Id, Text _Legend, Text _DefaultValue, Real _Width, Real _Weight)

Create a new column

Some ids are already used by the library, using one of this id will create a special column :

General -> LibST_Avatar, LibST_Name, LibST_ManiaStars, LibST_Tools, LibST_Tags
TM -> LibST_TMBestTime, LibST_PrevTime, LibST_TMStunts, LibST_TMRespawns, LibST_TMCheckpoints, LibST_TMPoints, LibST_TMPrevRaceDeltaPoints
SM -> LibST_SMPoints, LibST_SMRoundPoints

If a column with the same id already exists, the previous column will be destroyed and replaced by the new one.

@param  _ColId          The id of the column
@param  _Legend         The legend displayed above the column
@param  _DefaultValue   The default value of the column
@param  _Width          The width of the column
@param  _Weight         The weight used to order the column
Void SetColTextStyle(Text _ColId, Text _TextStyle)

Set the text style of a column

@param  _ColId       The name of the column to set
@param  _TextStyle   The new text style of the column
Void SetColTextSize(Text _ColId, Real _TextSize)

Set the text size of a column

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to update
@param  _TextSize The new text size of the column
Void SetColTextAlign(Text _ColId, CMlControl::AlignHorizontal _HAlign)

Set the horizontal text align of a column

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to update
@param  _HAlign   The new text align of the column
Void SetColStyle(Text _ColId, Text _TextStyle, Real _TextSize, CMlControl::AlignHorizontal _HAlign)

Set the text style, size and horizontal align of a column

@param  _ColId      The name of the column to update
@param  _TextStyle  The new text style of the column
@param  _TextSize   The new text size of the column
@param  _HAlign     The new text align of the column
Void SetColScript(Text _ColId, Text _Script)

Assign a script to a column, this script will be used to fill the column
during an update instead of the default one

You have access to the score being updated with _Score (class CScore)
and the column label with Label_Col (class CMlLabel)
eg: Label_Col.SetText("Player LP: "^_Score.LadderScore);
You can check the CreateCol() function for more examples

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to script
@param  _Script   The script to use
CUILayer GetLayer()

Get the scores table layer

@return   The scores table layer
Void Attach()

Attach the scores table layer
Void Detach()

Detach the scores table layer
Void Show()

Show the scores table layer
Void Hide()

Hide the scores table layer
Void SetColLegend(Text _ColId, Text _Legend)

Set the legend of a column
The legend is displayed above the column
You can use the pre-made styles "LibST_SMWithLegends" or "LibST_TMWithLegends"
to add a space for the legends at the top of the scores table

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to set
@param  _Legend   The legend to use
Void SetColWidth(Text _ColId, Real _Width)

Set the width of a column

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to set
@param  _Width    The new width of the column
Void SetColWeight(Text _ColId, Real _Weight)

Set the weight of a column
The weight is used to order the columns in the scores table
The smallest numbers are on the left and the biggest on the right

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to set
@param  _Weight   The new weight of the column
Void SetColDefaultValue(Text _ColId, Text _Value)

Set the default value of a column

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to set
@param  _Value    The new default value of the column
Void SetColValue(Text _ColId, CScore _Score, Text _Value)

Set the value of a column for a player

@param  _ColId    The name of the column to set
@param  _Score    The score object of the player to update
@param  _Value    The new value of the column
Void SetFooterText(Text _Value)

Set the text displayed in the footer

@param  _Value    The new text to display
Void SetFooterScript(Text _Script)

Override the default script used to update the footer text

@param  _Script   The new script to use
Void SetSize(Vec2 _HeaderSize, Vec2 _TableSize, Vec2 _FooterSize)

Set the sizes of the different scores table sections
Use a negative value to not modify a size

@param  _HeaderSize   The new size of the header section
@param  _TableSize    The new size of the players table section
@param  _FooterSize   The new size of the footer section
Void SetPos(Vec3 _Pos)

Set the position of the scores table

@param  _Pos  The new position of the scores table
Void SetScale(Real _Scale)

Change the global scale of the scores table

@param  _Scale    The new global scores table scale
Void SetFormat(Integer _ColsNb, Integer _LinesNb)

Set the number of columns and lines in the players table

@param  _ColsNb   The number of columns
@param  _LinesNb  The number of lines
Void SetTabName(Text _TabName)

Set the name of the tab (used by the TabsServer.Script.txt library)

@param  _TabName  The new name of the tab
Void SetTextScale(Real _Scale)

Change the global scale of the text in the scores table

@param  _Scale    The new global text scale

The background image is displayed behind all the content of the scores table.

Void SetBackgroundFilePath(Text _ImgPath)

Set the path to the background image of the scores table

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the background file
Void SetBackgroundProperties(Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the background position and size of the scores table

@param  _Pos      The position of the background
@param  _Size     The size of the background
Void SetBackgroundColor(Text _Color)

Colorize the background. This function uses the colorize property,
so your background picture must use pure green.

@param  _Color      The color of the background
Void SetBackgroundImage(Text _ImgPath, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the file path, position and size of the scores table background

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the background file
@param  _Pos        The position of the background
@param  _Size       The size of the background
Void SetBackgroundImage(Text _ImgPath, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size, Text _Color)

Set the file path, position, size and color of the scores table background

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the background file
@param  _Pos        The position of the background
@param  _Size       The size of the background
@param  _Color      The color of the background
Void SetBackgroundCollection(Text[Text] _Collection)

Create a group of background to use depending on
the CollectionName of the current map.
eg: set different backgrounds for Canyon, Valley, Stadium, ...

@param  _Collection   The list of image file [Environment => Image path]

The foreground image will be display over the content of the scores table.

Void SetForegroundFilePath(Text _ImgPath)

Set the path to the foreground image of the scores table

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the foreground file
Void SetForegroundProperties(Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the foreground position and size of the scores table

@param  _Pos      The position of the foreground
@param  _Size     The size of the foreground
Void SetForegroundColor(Text _Color)

Colorize the foreground. This function uses the colorize property,
so your background picture must use pure green.

@param  _Color      The color of the foreground
Void SetForegroundImage(Text _ImgPath, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size, Text _Color)

Set the file path, position and size of the scores table foreground

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the foreground file
@param  _Pos        The position of the foreground
@param  _Size       The size of the foreground
@param  _Color      The color of the foreground
Void SetForegroundImage(Text _ImgPath, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the file path, position and size of the scores table foreground

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the foreground file
@param  _Pos        The position of the foreground
@param  _Size       The size of the foreground
Void SetForegroundCollection(Text[Text] _Collection)

Create a group of foreground to use depending
on the CollectionName of the current map.
eg: set different foreground for Canyon, Valley, Stadium, ...

@param  _Collection   The list of image file [Environment => Image path]

If there's green in your image, it will be colorized automatically to the color of the corresponding team.

Void SetTeamFilePath(Integer _Team, Text _ImgPath)

Set the path to the team image of the scores table

@param  _Team       The team to set
@param  _ImgPath    The path to the foreground file
Void SetTeamProperties(Integer _Team, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the team image position and size in the scores table

@param  _Team     The team to set
@param  _Pos      The position of the foreground
@param  _Size     The size of the foreground
Void SetTeamImage(Integer _Team, Text _ImgPath, Vec2 _Pos, Vec2 _Size)

Set the pictures colorizable by the teams

@param  _Team     The team to set
@param  _ImgPath  The path to the image file
@param  _Pos      The position of the image
@param  _Size     The size of the image
Void SetTeamCollection(Integer _Team, Text[Text] _Collection)

Create a group of team images to use depending on
the CollectionName of the current map.
eg: set differents foreground for Canyon, Valley, Stadium, ...

@param  _Team         The team to set
@param  _Collection   The list of image file [Environment => Image path]

The player card images are displayed behind the frame of each player.

Void SetPlayerCardImages(Text _Square, Text _Left, Text _Right)

Set the images used for the player cards
An empty path will remove the image
A non valid path will let the older path as is
A valid path will replace the old one

@param  _Square   The quad of the scores table
@param  _Left   The line of the scores table (left side)
@param  _Right    The line of the scores table (right side)

Use this function if you don't want to display the teams in the scores table while being in teams mode.

Void SetTeamsMode(Boolean _UseTeamsMode)

Turn on/off the teams mode of the scores table

@param  _UseTeamsMode   True use the teams mode, false use the solo mode
Void SetTeamsScoresVisibility(Boolean _Visible)

Display or not the teams scores in the header
Used only if TeamsMode is set to true

@param  _Visible  Turn on/off the visibility of the scores
Void SetRevertPlayerCardInTeamsMode(Boolean _UseRevert)

Turn on/off the mirror of the player cards of the second team in teams mode

@param  _UseRevert    True use the revert, false don't use the revert
Void SetModeIcon(Text _ImgPath)

Set the icon of the mode in the header

@param  _ImgPath    The path to the icon file or its style and substyle
                    path: "file://Media/Path/To/"
                    style/substyle: "Style|Substyle"
Void SetPlayerDarkening(Boolean _UsePlayerDarkening)

Turn on/off the player darkening on unspawn

@param  _UsePlayerDarkening   Use the player darkening or not
Void SetPlayerInfoVisibility(Boolean _Visible)

Display or not the player info in the footer

@param  _Visible  Turn on/off the visibility of the player info
Void SetServerNameVisibility(Boolean _Visible)

Display or not the server name in the footer

@param  _Visible  Turn on/off the visibility of the server name

In TrackMania Cup mode, a player above a given points limit will see its score replaced by the "Finalist" or "Winner" text.

Void SetUiScoresPointsLimit(Integer _PointsLimit)

Send the cup points limit to the UI (used in TM Cup mode)

@param  _PointsLimit  The new points limit
Void FilterLogins(Text[] _Logins)

Filter the players displayed by logins

@param  _Logins   The logins of the players to display
Void Build(Text _Game)

Build the scores table manialink
/!\ Use with care, this function uses a lot of resources
/!\ Rebuild the scores table only when necessary

@param  _Game Choose between SM and TM
Void SetStyle(Text _Style)

Use a predefined style for the scores table

Available styles are:
- LibST_Base, add basic columns: avatar, name, ManiaStars and tools
- LibST_Reset, remove all the previous styles
- LibST_TMBaseSolo, basic free for all scores table for TrackMania
- LibST_TMBaseTeam, basic teams scores table for TrackMania
- LibST_TMWithLegends, add a space for columns legends in the header
- LibST_SMBaseSolo, basic free for all scores table for ShootMania
- LibST_SMBaseTeams, basic teams scores table for ShootMania
- LibST_SMBaseOneColumn, same as LibST_SMBaseSolo but with only one players column
- LibST_SMBasePoints, add the RoundPoints and Points columns
- LibST_SMWithLegends, add a space for columns legends in the header

@param  _Style    The name of the style to use
Boolean RequestStyleFromXml(Text _XmlPath)

Create a request for the XML style file

@param  _Style    The path to the XML file to use

@return           True if the request was create, false otherwise
Boolean WaitStyleFromXml()

Wait for a response to the request

@return       True if the request is not completed, false otherwise
Boolean SetStyleFromXml(Boolean _SafeMode)

Read the XML file and set the style from it

@param  _SafeMode   Allow or not scripts to be added to the scores table

@return             True if the style was applied, false otherwise
Void XmlRpcLoop()

Load a scores table style from an XmlRpc call