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Documentation for the Maniaplanet game operating system


The Manialink library offer different modules and functions to use in manialink: animations, tooltips, draggable ...


Add this line at the beginning of your game mode script to use it : #Include "Libs/Nadeo/Manialink.Script.txt" as Manialink

All the functions of the libraries will return script parts that you'll have to inject in the manialink you want to enhance.


To use the animation module you first have to inject it into your manialink with the Animations() function. This function can take one optional parameter, an array of Text containing the easings that you want to use in your animations. Depending on the easings you might have to include MathLib and in all cases you have to include TextLib. You can take a look at all the available easing functions here. Once you have injected the module you can call the LibManialink_AnimLoop() function in your script to update your animations.

Example of the basic setting :

<frame id="Frame_Global">
  <quad sizen="15 15" halign="center" valign="center" bgcolor="047" id="Quad_Anim" />
  <label posn="-30 20" halign="center" style="CardButtonMedium" text="Anim 1" scriptevents="1" id="Button_Anim1" />
  <label posn="30 20" halign="center" style="CardButtonMedium" text="Anim 2" scriptevents="1" id="Button_Anim2" />
main() {
  while (True) {


You have access to three animation functions:

Let's start with a simple animation. I want the quad to move to another position when I click on the "Anim 1" button :

<frame id="Frame_Global">
  <quad sizen="15 15" halign="center" valign="center" bgcolor="047" id="Quad_Anim" />
  <label posn="-30 20" halign="center" style="CardButtonMedium" text="Anim 1" scriptevents="1" id="Button_Anim1" />
  <label posn="30 20" halign="center" style="CardButtonMedium" text="Anim 2" scriptevents="1" id="Button_Anim2" />
main() {
  while (True) {


    foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
      if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
        if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
          LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseOutBounce");

The first thing to notice is the use of the Inject() function. It is used to avoid the insertion of escaped double quote (\"). It's really useful when inserting long Text with a lot of double quotes inside. We could have write the exact same thing like that :

LibManialink_Anim("<quad posn=\"50 -50\" id=\"Quad_Anim\" />", 3000, "EaseOutBounce");

So the LibManialink_Anim() function take 3 parameters. The first one is the element and the properties we want to animate. In this case it's the position of the quad with an id equal to "Quad_Anim". The second parameter is the duration of the animation and the third the easing method. All the animations start from the current properties of the animated element. This is the reason why when we click on the "Anim 1" button a second time the animation doesn't play anymore. The element is already at its desired position.

You can send the quad to it's original position with a second animation bind on the "Anim 2" button :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseOutBounce");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseInOutElastic");

If you press the opposing button while an animation is running you'll see that it will stop and the new one start from the current position of the quad.

You can animate multiple properties during one animation :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseOutBounce");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseInOutElastic");

If you press the "Anim 2" button after the "Anim 1" button you'll see that the quad position will return to it's original value but not the other properties. Not specifying a property in the animation function will leave it at it's current value. Which is the case in the second animation where we just specify the position property.

Now let's take a look at the LibManialink_AnimChain() function. It works exactly like LibManialink_Anim() but instead of clearing the animation queue of the element it will add a new animation at the end of the queue. So taking our previous example :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseOutBounce");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 2000, "");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseInOutElastic");

With this, when you click on the "Anim 1" button the quad will start to go to it's first position during 3 seconds and then move to the second one during 2 seconds.

But let's say you want to have an animation where the quad go from position A to B in 5 seconds and rotate during the translation for 3 seconds starting after one second. You'll have to use the LibManialink_AnimInsert() for that :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 5000, "");
      LibManialink_AnimInsert(}, 1000, 3000, "");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseInOutElastic");

The function takes one more parameter than LibManialink_Anim(). The first parameter is still the element and the properties we want to animate. Then we have time at which the animation will start. Finally we have the duration of the animation and the easing method.

And now let's see what we could do by combining them all together :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 3000, "EaseOutBounce");
      LibManialink_AnimInsert(}, 0, 1000, "");
      LibManialink_AnimInsert(}, 1000, 1500, "");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 2500, "EaseInOutExp");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 2500, "EaseInOutExp");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 2500, "EaseOutBack");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 2500, "EaseOutElastic");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 1000, "EaseInOutElastic");

You can also repeat a whole animation for a definite number of time or indefinitely. To do so you have to inject the repeat function in your Manialink script.


main() {

Now you must wrap the animation you want to repeat between two functions, LibManialink_AnimRepeatStart() and LibManialink_AnimRepeatEnd() :

foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
  if (Event.Type == CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick) {
    if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim1") {
      LibManialink_AnimRepeatStart(1000, 3);
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 500, "EaseOutBack");
      LibManialink_AnimChain(}, 500, "EaseOutBack");
    } else if (Event.ControlId == "Button_Anim2") {
      LibManialink_Anim(}, 250, "EaseOutBack");

LibManialink_AnimRepeatStart() take two arguments : * The time interval between each loop * The number of repeat In this case we want to repeat the animation each second three times. LibManialink_AnimRepeatStart() can also take only the first argument and in this case the animation will be repeated indefinitely.

If you can't identify the element you want to animate by an unique id, the animations functions can take an optional parameter as first argument. You can pass the CMlControl directly to the function :

LibManialink_Anim(((Page.MainFrame.Controls[0] as CMlFrame).Controls[0] as CMlFrame).Controls[0], }, 3000, "EaseInOutElastic");

To stop an animation on an element you can use the LibManialink_AnimStop() function. Two versions of the function exist. the first one take a CMlControl as argument while the second one take a Text, the ControlId of the control.

Void LibManialink_AnimStop(CMlControl _Control)

@param  _Control   The control to stop
Void LibManialink_AnimStop(Text _ControlId)

@param  _ControlId   The ControlId of the control to stop

If you want to know if an animation is currently running on a control you can use the LibManialink_IsAnimated() function. To use it you have to make another injection at the beginning of your manialink :


main() {

There's two versions of the function, the first one take a CMlControl as argument while the second one take a Text, the ControlId of the control. Both return a Boolean : True if an animation is running, False otherwise.

Boolean LibManialink_IsAnimated(CMlControl _Control)

@param  _Control   The control to test
Boolean LibManialink_IsAnimated(Text _ControlId)

@param  _ControlId   The ControlId of the control to test

Not all properties can be animated, this is the list of the available ones.

CMlControl :

CMlQuad :

CMlLabel :

CMlGauge :